Technical Features
The DJI RELAY is an innovative product launched by DJI, and in this review, we will cover its technical features and compatibility. This video is a partnership with Skytech Drones, who supports our channel and can provide you with the equipment, accessories, and maintenance services that you may need. You can contact their team using the QR Code provided. We would like to express our special thanks to them for believing in our project.
In the previous video, we discussed some information about the DJI RELAY. In this video, we will demonstrate how to use it and highlight its main characteristics. In an upcoming video, we will show you this equipment in action, so stay tuned for that.
Frequencies and Transmission
The DJI RELAY operates on dual frequencies, 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz, which are the same frequencies used in Radio Control Systems. It is important to note that the 2.4GHz frequency provides a longer range, while the 5.8GHz frequency has a stronger transmission line and can transmit more data. However, the 5.8GHz frequency may experience some interference at times. The relay allows you to manually choose the transmission system or opt for automatic selection, which determines the most suitable frequency range.
Weight and Design
The DJI RELAY is a lightweight device, weighing approximately 575g. It is slightly heavier than the Mavic Mini 2 and Mini 3, which weigh 249g. This device cannot be too heavy as it needs to be mounted on a telescopic antenna to efficiently perform its function. The DJI RELAY is IP55-rated, meaning it is resistant to dust and water. Therefore, if it accidentally comes into contact with rain or dust while in use, it will not be affected due to the device’s sealing.
Maximum Distance and Optimal Conditions
Many might wonder what the maximum distance achievable with the DJI RELAY is. According to the manufacturer, it can reach a distance of 4 to 7 km under optimal conditions. These conditions include minimal interference, the relay being positioned centrally and at a higher altitude. The transmission capacity of this system can reach its maximum potential under such circumstances.
Review completo DJI RELAY
O DJI RELAY um dispositivo utilizado para melhorar a qualidade na transmisso de dados durante operaes de pulverizao com drones. Neste artigo, iremos analisar suas principais caractersticas e benefcios, bem como detalhar o uso e cuidados necessrios para sua utilizao no dia a dia do campo.
Instalao e Utilizao
O DJI RELAY pode ser facilmente instalado em estruturas com diferentes alturas, utilizando antenas telescpicas que podem chegar a 5-8 metros. A fabricante sugere uma altura mnima de 2 metros para o dispositivo. Caso j se trabalhe com topografia, possvel adaptar o DJI RELAY em estruturas existentes. A fixao deve ser firme e segura, garantindo que o equipamento no seja derrubado mesmo com ventos mais fortes. O dispositivo conta com um parafuso de 5/8, padro da topografia, para a fixao adequada. Caso o dispositivo seja mais grosso que o encaixe padro, possvel utilizar um forcado para prender lateralmente.
Transmisso de Sinal
O DJI RELAY um repetidor de sinal que recebe o sinal do controle remoto e o repassa de forma segura para o drone de aplicao. possvel utilizar o dispositivo prximo estrutura ou lev-lo por meio de um auxiliar em um quadriciclo, moto ou carro, para as reas onde o drone ir operar. Essa prtica especialmente til para cobrir terrenos extensos ou reas montanhosas.
Temperatura de Voo
A faixa de temperatura de voo sugerida pelo fabricante entre 0 e 40 graus Celsius. Temperaturas abaixo de zero ou muito baixas podem afetar o desempenho do dispositivo devido bateria. Antes de atingir a sua alta performance, o DJI RELAY precisa de um perodo inicial de aquecimento. Por outro lado, temperaturas acima de 40 graus podem resultar no desligamento sbito ou at mesmo em casos extremos, na exploso ou incndio da bateria. Portanto, importante tomar cuidado com a temperatura aps o uso do equipamento, permitindo que ele esfrie antes de recarregar.
Vida til da Bateria
O DJI RELAY possui uma bateria interna de ltio com capacidade de 6500 m. Assim como nos drones, recomendado manter a carga de armazenamento alta e evitar exposio a altas temperaturas para prolongar a vida til da bateria. O equipamento pode ser utilizado por at 4 horas sem interrupes e, caso seja necessrio estender o funcionamento, possvel utilizar um Power Bank para aliment-lo durante o uso.
O DJI RELAY um dispositivo essencial para melhorar a qualidade na transmisso de dados durante oper
The Complete DJI RELAY Review
The DJI RELAY is a powerful device that offers a range of features and capabilities. In this review, we will explore its battery life, charging options, and usability.
Battery Life and Charging
The DJI RELAY comes with a built-in battery that can last up to 4 hours. While this may be sufficient for most tasks, it is possible to extend the battery life by using a Power Bank. This is particularly useful for longer periods of application.
When the battery level drops below 30%, it takes an average of 2 to 2.5 hours to fully charge. It is important to plan accordingly and ensure that you have enough time to charge before use.
To maximize battery usage, it is recommended to start your activities with a fully charged battery. This will ensure that you have nearly 4 hours of uninterrupted usage. Additionally, the DJI RELAY can be charged while in use by utilizing the Power Bank.
Charging and Firmware Updates
The DJI RELAY can be charged and firmware updates can be performed using the USB Type-C port located at the rear of the device. It is important to keep the firmware up to date, as it optimizes the hardware performance and overall functionality.
Upon purchasing the DJI RELAY, it is recommended to perform a firmware update before initial use. In this video, we will demonstrate how to perform an update using either the drone’s radio control or the DJI Assistant.
Secure Mounting
The DJI RELAY comes with a rubberized insert at the back, where a USB Type-C port is located. This ensures a firm and secure connection. There are two screw holes provided to further secure the device and prevent any accidental disconnections.
This secure mounting is especially important if you are in an area where the transmission signal relies solely on the relay. Losing connection due to a power bank disconnection could result in signal loss. Therefore, it is highly recommended to ensure a secure connection.
Recommended Charger
To charge the DJI RELAY, the DJI USBC Charger is recommended. This charger provides a power output of 30W, which is suitable for the device. Using other chargers may potentially harm the internal lithium-ion battery.
Skytech has also provided us with the DJI USBC Charger for testing, and it has proven to be a reliable and effective charger for the DJI RELAY.
Overall, the DJI RELAY is a versatile device that offers a range of features for professionals in need of reliable transmission signals. With its strong battery life, the option to extend usage with a Power Bank, and secure mounting options, it proves to be a valuable tool in various applications.
Review of DJI RELAY
The DJI RELAY is a versatile device that allows you to charge your USB devices. With its USB Type C connectivity, it provides a convenient solution for charging on the go.
Charging Process
To charge your device with the DJI RELAY, you will need an adapter. Once connected, you can plug it into a power outlet. The device features four indicator lights that will start flashing once connected. These lights represent the battery level, with two lights indicating 30-50% battery, three lights indicating 50-75% battery, and four lights indicating a full 100% charge.
Device Activation
To turn on the DJI RELAY, simply press and hold the power button. You will notice two red indicator lights, indicating that the device is on. It will go through an initialization process and once connected to the radio control and drone, the indicator lights will turn green, indicating a successful connection.
Once the device is fully charged and connected, you can proceed with using it for your intended activities. It is recommended to use the device when it is fully charged to ensure optimal performance.
The DJI RELAY is a reliable and efficient device for charging your USB devices. Whether you’re on the go or need a portable solution, this device offers convenience and functionality. With its easy-to-use features and indicator lights, you can easily monitor the battery level and ensure a seamless charging experience.
Review completo DJI RELAY
O DJI RELAY um dispositivo verstil e inovador projetado para facilitar a comunicao entre o drone e o rdio controle. Com quatro antenas estrategicamente localizadas, ele oferece uma qualidade de recepo e transmisso de sinal excepcionais. Alm disso, o RELAY resistente gua, garantindo seu desempenho mesmo em condies climticas adversas.
Conexo Fcil
Ao conectar o DJI RELAY ao drone e ao rdio controle, no preciso fazer muita fora. Basta girar e rosquear as antenas nos quatro orifcios designados. Essa conexo rpida e eficiente permite que o dispositivo permanea parado, sem a necessidade de movimentao constante.
Vinculao Inicial
Antes de comear a usar o DJI RELAY, necessrio realizar uma vinculao inicial entre o drone e o rdio controle. Para isso, certifique-se de que o RELAY esteja aproximadamente a meio metro de distncia de ambos os dispositivos. Uma vez conectados, possvel afastar-se sem problemas. Lembre-se de seguir as instrues especficas de vinculao do seu rdio controle para o processo ser concludo com sucesso.
Design Prtico
Com um trip de estdio ajustvel, o DJI RELAY pode ser posicionado em uma altura ideal para uma melhor comunicao. A base do trip tambm importante para estabilizar o dispositivo. No entanto, se necessrio, possvel adapt-lo de acordo com suas necessidades. Basta conectar o RELAY e girar para travar. Em seguida, coloque-o na localizao desejada e inicie sua utilizao.
Funcionalidades e Limitaes
O DJI RELAY especialmente til para profissionais que trabalham com pulverizao agrcola utilizando drones. Suas caractersticas e funcionalidades oferecem maior eficincia e preciso na aplicao de produtos qumicos. No entanto, importante estar ciente das limitaes do equipamento e utilizar outras medidas de segurana e controle durante o uso.
Atualizao e Compartilhamento
Para garantir o mximo desempenho do DJI RELAY, recomendvel realizar atualizaes frequentes de software. No vdeo de unboxing do dispositivo, tambm possvel ver o passo a passo para realizar a atualizao. Se voc gostou das funcionalidades apresentadas, compartilhe o vdeo com seus amigos e outros entusiastas de drones. Compartilhar conhecimento e novidades sempre uma tima forma de se manter atualizado e estimular a inovao.