Ketahanan Drone S1S Max
Drone S1S Max menawarkan ketahanan yang sangat baik, meskipun telah mengalami beberapa kejadian yang tidak menguntungkan. Drone ini telah jatuh beberapa kali dan bahkan baling-balingnya pecah semua. Meskipun begitu, drone ini masih bisa bertahan dan tetap berfungsi dengan baik.
Keandalan Baterai
Sayangnya, ada masalah dengan baterai drone ini. Baterainya sering berhamburan dan masih perlu diperbaiki agar bisa digunakan kembali. Hal ini tentu menjadi kendala dalam penggunaan drone ini.
Kondisi Keseluruhan
Drone S1S Max ini memang memiliki kekurangan, terutama dalam hal baling-baling yang sering pecah. Namun, dengan harga yang terjangkau yakni sekitar 400 rupiah, drone ini tetap menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk pemula yang ingin mencoba main drone.
Saran Penggunaan
Berhati-hatilah dalam penggunaan drone ini, terutama jika baling-balingnya sudah rusak atau miring. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas terbang drone dan memberikan pengalaman yang kurang menyenangkan.
Drone for Beginners
It is important to start with a budget-friendly drone when you are just starting out. This will allow you to develop your skills without risking a significant investment. Once you have mastered flying a drone, then you can consider upgrading to a more well-known brand.
Durability and Reliability
The S1S Max drone is highly recommended for its durability. It can withstand rough landings and crashes, making it a reliable option for beginners. The components inside the unit are well-protected, allowing the drone to keep functioning even after accidents.
Battery Life
The battery of the S1S Max drone is quite good, with a capacity of around 1900mAh. Although the exact specifications may vary, the drone’s battery life is sufficient for a decent amount of flight time. It is easy to remove and insert the battery, ensuring convenience for the user.
Camera Features
The S1S Max drone is equipped with a camera that offers three different modes. While the camera quality may not be the best, it still provides a decent aerial view for recreational use. The camera functions well within its limitations and is suitable for capturing drone footage.
Overall Durability
Despite being dropped multiple times, the S1S Max drone has proven to be quite resilient. The exterior and extended parts have withstood the impact, with no damaged components except for a few propellers.
Drone Components
The propellers of the drone are easily replaceable, and even though a few were damaged in my tests, the overall functionality of the drone was not compromised. The baling-baling (propellers) are sturdy and can handle rough handling.
Storage and Accessories
The drone comes with a convenient storage box that holds all the essential accessories such as screws, screwdriver, and USB cable for charging. The compact box ensures that all the components are kept safe and organized when not in use.
Affordability and Enjoyment
Despite its affordable price, the S1S Max drone offers a fun and enjoyable flying experience. The drone may need minor repairs after rough handling, but overall, it provides good value for the price.
Overall, the S1S Max drone is a durable and enjoyable option for both beginners and experienced drone pilots. Its resilience to impact and easy replacement parts make it a practical choice for those looking for a reliable drone.