DJI Neo Terbang ke Laut Blusukan ke Pantai
Only ini saya beliin charging hub nya charging hub nya, itu 500.000 kemarin di toko official tapi kebeneran habis dan ternyata ada yang jual, harganya, sama r00.000, plus baterainya nah ini, baterainya, saya, beli, Kalau, enggak, salah 700, atau 75 ya, saya, lupa, ya, Jadi, udah, punya, dua, baterai, Sekarang ya, udah cukuplah, ya, karena, satu baterai, itu flight time, nya dia bisa sampai di atas, 10 menit Udah, cukuplah 20 menit tuh, buat, nerbangin, Drone fpv, itu udah, cukup, karena, kemarin, saya, baca, komen, katanya, ah sebentar banget, nerbanginnya, Iya, kalau, misalnya, kalian, nerbangin, Drone, Aal, 10 Menit atau 20 menit, itu sangat, sebentar, ya, karena, kalau, Drone, Aal, kan dia ngelihatnya dari layar Tapi, kalau, kalian, nerbangin, pakai, googles, 10, menit, itu udah, cukup lama, guys 30 menit, kalian, harus, punya, kealian, khusus, buat long range, itu, biasanya, ya, Oke, kita, bakal, mulai, aja, penerbangannya, Seperti biasa saya nerbangin pakai, googus, 3 ya, karena, sampai, saat ini, belum support ya, untuk, googus 2 Nanti ditunggu aja buat, teman, teman, yang punya, gugus 2 atau Integra Semoga aja support dan kita bakal buka, aja, nih, ya, kemarin, Banyak, teman, teman, yang bilang, katanya, kalau dicopot. Prop guard nya, itu lebih, enak, terbangnya, kita, coba, ya, kali, ya, gimana, nyopotnya, Tapi, agak, susah ini, susah, juga, nyopotnya, guys, udahlah biarin, aja, L, nanti di rumah, aja kita, mau terbang Santai, juga, enggak, ugal, ugalan, ya, karena ini di tepi, pantai e udaranya, maksud, saya, anginnya, Itu lumayan kencang jadi kita nerbangnya, santai, santai, aja, ya, kemar saya tes di rumah, untuk sinyalnya enggak terlalu, bagus, ada, kemungkinan, dua, saya, harus, FCC, ulang e gugos, 3nya karena, kemarin, saya, habis update ya, Atau memang di tempat, saya itu, kan, banyak,
Exploring the Beach with DJI Neo
It was a Wednesday at the beach, not a public holiday, so it was relatively quiet. The parking lot was already filled with cars parked next to each other. As I walked around, I felt the strong breeze blowing. You could see the flags fluttering in the wind. Let’s try flying over the water for a daring adventure testing our courage by flying the drone above the sea.
Adventurous Flight Over the Sea
As I flew the drone over the sea, I noticed the lack of ND filters causing some overexposure in the footage. The manual settings on the drone helped to capture better video quality. One of the challenges of this drone is that when set on auto mode, it doesn’t always give the best results.
Exploring the Beachside
The beach here has a long jogging track stretching from sunrise to the Mertasari area. It’s a perfect place for long-distance jogging or biking. It’s dark along the beach, but flying a drone like the DJI Neo is safe with its prop guards protecting the props.
Flying Along the Coast
Despite feeling a bit nervous flying over the water, the DJI Neo’s prop guards provided safety. The airflow over the water made the flight slightly less stable, but flying along the beachside was an exhilarating experience.
Of the Adventure
After a 6-minute flight exploring the beach and trees from above, the landing was smooth thanks to the DJI Neo’s advanced technology. The flight time of 8 minutes was decent, with the battery still at 43%.
DJI Neo Takes Flight to the Ocean and Beach exploration
The DJI Neo, the latest drone model from leading drone manufacturer DJI, has recently taken flight to explore the ocean and beaches from a new perspective. With its advanced features and capabilities, the DJI Neo has opened up new possibilities for aerial photography and videography in these coastal environments.
Unleashing the DJI Neo’s Potential
Equipped with a high-resolution camera and intelligent flight modes, the DJI Neo allows users to capture stunning aerial footage of the ocean and beaches with ease. Its stable flight performance and long battery life ensure that users can focus on capturing the perfect shot without worrying about technical issues.
Exploring the Ocean Like Never Before
The DJI Neo’s ability to fly over the ocean provides a unique perspective on this vast and dynamic environment. From capturing the crashing waves to following marine wildlife, the drone opens up a new way to experience and document the beauty of the ocean.
Discovering the Beauty of Beaches
When flying over beaches, the DJI Neo reveals the stunning patterns created by waves, sand, and vegetation. Users can capture aerial shots of beachgoers, coastline landscapes, and colorful sunsets, creating a visual narrative of life by the sea.
Promoting Conservation Efforts
By using the DJI Neo to document ocean environments and beaches, users can raise awareness about the importance of preserving these delicate ecosystems. Whether highlighting pollution, erosion, or wildlife conservation efforts, the drone becomes a valuable tool for promoting environmental conservation.
Enhancing Creativity and Expression
With its innovative features and versatility, the DJI Neo inspires users to push the boundaries of creativity and storytelling. From aerial panoramas to cinematic videos, the drone enables users to express their artistic vision and share unique perspectives of the ocean and beaches with the world.