This episode of Smallville takes us through yet another familiar storyline, reminiscent of similar plots on Arrow and The Flash. Season 4 of Arrow comes to mind, where the B puns were abundant. However, it has been quite some time since we last encountered this storyline, and I was hoping we had left it behind for good. But here we are again, episode 18 of the first season, titled ‘Drone’, delivering a plot that feels all too familiar.
Suffering Smallville ‘Drone’ [Season 1 Episode 18 Review]
The Student President Campaign
In this episode, there is a student president campaign underway for the following year. We are introduced to the candidates, each with their distinct personalities. There is the popular blonde girl who embodies the mean girl archetype. Then there is the nerdy girl with glasses who genuinely cares about the politics of the school. Lastly, we have a guy who seems to be somewhere in between, displaying a moderate level of interest and appearing likable enough.
Clark Kent Gets Roped In
Suddenly, Pete, who has not done much throughout the whole season, decides to drag Clark into this campaign. Clark innocently stumbles upon a large sign proclaiming “Clark Kent for President” as he turns a corner in the school hallway. It becomes evident that the sole purpose of this plotline is to use Clark Kent’s name to create a catchy tagline: “Clark Kent, the Man of Tomorrow.”
The Villain Revealed
In this episode of Smallville, titled “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'”, we finally discover the identity of the mysterious villain. And surprise, it’s none other than the nerdy girl with glasses. Yes, the one we least expected turns out to have the power to control bees. It seems that she gained this ability after getting stung by bees next to Kryptonite. Now, she reigns as the queen of the bees and can manipulate them to do her bidding.
Poor CGI Effects
Unfortunately, the use of CGI in this episode leaves much to be desired. The scenes with the bees are accompanied by truly terrible computer-generated effects. The bees buzz around the school in a rather clunky manner, following characters like Chloe. It’s an awful sight to behold, perhaps one of the worst CGI moments in Smallville. And let’s not forget the part where the bees swarm together to form a face in the sky. It’s a bizarre and unnecessary touch, reminiscent of a scene you’d expect in a movie like “The Mummy” (yes, the one with Brendan Fraser).
A Pleasant Surprise
Despite its shortcomings, I have to admit that this episode isn’t as bad as I anticipated. Considering Smallville’s track record, I was expecting an absolute train wreck of a story. However, in comparison to other episodes, this one falls somewhere in the middle. Both Chloe and P have substantial roles to play, and there’s a decent amount of character development. Clark’s initial reaction to Chloe not endorsing him for the campaign is dealt with in a satisfactory manner, as his parents talk him into sticking with it. He takes on the role of a politician, creating posters, organizing meet and greets, and all the typical activities that come with running for office. Chloe calls him out for not having a platform or any firm stances on issues, which adds some depth to the storyline.
A Lackluster Platform
It’s true, though, that Clark’s campaign lacks substance. He doesn’t really have a clear agenda or a strong stance on anything. He’s simply going through the motions, trying to win the election without a solid foundation. While this does create some interesting conflicts and challenges for the characters, it leaves much to be desired in terms of a compelling plotline. But hey, it’s Smallville, and sometimes we have to accept the show’s flaws and enjoy it for what it is.
Overall, “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'” manages to deliver a somewhat decent episode despite its flaws. The reveal of the villain and the use of CGI may not be up to par, but the character development and conflicts keep the story engaging. Smallville has its ups and downs, and this episode falls somewhere in the middle. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, there’s still something to enjoy in this episode.
The Immaturity of Clark Kent
Clark Kent, the main protagonist of Smallville, is known for his superhuman abilities and his quest to protect the town from any harm. However, in Season 1 Episode 18, titled “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'”, Clark’s immaturity is brought to the forefront, causing frustration among the other characters and viewers alike.
A Surprising Editorial
In this episode, we see Chloe Sullivan, the school newspaper editor, planning to endorse a candidate for a school position through an editorial. Clark, curious to see who she supports, discovers that it is not the candidate he expected. This revelation triggers a sense of betrayal within Clark, causing him to storm out of the room.
Immaturity and Out of Character Actions
Throughout the episode, Clark’s immaturity becomes increasingly evident. He sulks and acts in a way that is uncharacteristic of the mature superhero we have come to know. His behavior is called out by other characters, who are shocked and disappointed by his childish reaction. Even Lana, Clark’s love interest, expresses her disappointment.
Having Integrity as a Journalist
One of the main issues with Clark’s immaturity in this episode is his lack of understanding when it comes to journalistic integrity. He questions why he should receive an endorsement simply because of his friendship with Chloe, failing to comprehend the importance of impartiality in journalism. This lack of maturity is perplexing, as Clark is supposed to be growing and maturing as a character.
An Unexpected Turn of Events
As the episode progresses, Clark’s immaturity continues to rear its head. He remains fixated on the endorsement issue, unable to let go of his disappointment. This pettiness and childish behavior end up hurting him more than anyone else, as he alienates himself from those around him.
A Different Side of Clark Kent
While it is understandable that characters may have moments of immaturity, Clark’s behavior in this episode feels particularly jarring. It goes against the image of the responsible and selfless hero we are accustomed to. This unexpected turn sheds light on a different side of Clark, one that portrays him as flawed and still in the process of growing.
In conclusion, “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'” highlights an atypical side of Clark Kent, where his immaturity and lack of understanding of journalistic integrity are brought to the forefront. This departure from his usual character leaves viewers and other characters questioning his maturity and growth. It is a reminder that even superhuman heroes have their moments of weakness and immaturity.
The Barbecue Contest
Every year, Smallville holds a barbecue contest where the cooks compete to win the favor of the judges. It’s a highly anticipated event, especially for the small-town residents. However, there seems to be something peculiar about the reviews given by one particular judge, small Vs Cooks.
Strange Favoritism
For some reason, small Vs Cooks always gives glowing reviews to the cooks of Smallville, leading to suspicions of favoritism. This favoritism is so strange that it raises eyebrows and creates a sense of unease among the contestants. Clark even comments on this phenomenon in this episode, questioning the authenticity of the reviews.
An Unusual Problem
While the favoritism issue may seem like a minor concern, it is actually the least of Clark’s problems. There is a much bigger issue at hand in Smallville – the safety of its residents. It all starts when a man ends up in the hospital due to a bee attack. This incident brings to light the danger posed by the bees in the town.
The Mysterious Kid
As the episode progresses, another character emerges as a cause for concern. It turns out that the person responsible for printing campaign flyers is none other than a kid who idolizes Superman. This young individual goes to the extent of dressing up in a Superman suit, complete with the iconic blue attire, red cape, and the famous “S” emblem.
A Flawed Superman Suit
The sight of the kid in the Superman suit raises questions about the existence of such an outfit in Smallville. The suit’s exact shape might not be the same as the one seen in the comics or movies, but it is surprisingly close. While the emblem may not be in the traditional diamond shape, it still prominently features an “S” within an “M.”
An Overlooked Detail
Despite the meticulous attention to detail in Smallville, visual elements like the Superman suit may occasionally go unnoticed. The viewers, like myself, may miss such details as we become absorbed in the storyline. However, it’s worth noting that the show does its best to capture the essence of Superman’s iconic attire.
In conclusion, the barbecue contest in Smallville might be marred with strange favoritism, but it is far from being the main concern in this episode. The safety of the residents and the appearance of a kid in a Superman suit take center stage, raising questions about the world of Smallville and its connection to the iconic superhero.
Suffering Smallville ‘Drone’ [Season 1 Episode 18 Review]
The Annoyance of Bad References
My Tetris skills are put to the test as I watch Smallville, using the game to help me get through the episodes. However, this particular episode, ‘Drone’, is so horrifically bad and annoyingly executed that it’s hard to ignore. I really wanted to see how bad it was, and let me tell you, it’s not quite a diamond – more like a shield. But it’s still pretty close, with a yellow backdrop. However, it’s meant to represent Smallville, and the letter ‘s’ on the cap is just happens to be red. A yellow ‘s’ with a red background and a blue suit with a red cape – no, I can’t accept it. This is by far the worst referencing Smallville has done yet.
Primary Colors and Dialogue
Oh no, it’s not just about the colors! I could buy into the idea that someone happened upon the primary color scheme, but what really irks me is the dialogue. People constantly throw in key Superman phrases and wink at the audience, as if we need it spelled out for us. It’s not like I’m a criminal mastermind, Clark – wink, wink. It’s not like I don’t want to fly and wear a suit all the time – wink. No, no, and no! This is just not up there. It’s bad, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not as bad as some of the cringe-worthy lines of dialogue that plague this show. What makes it worse is that they tried to sneak these references in.
A Missed Opportunity
Instead of focusing on the cheesy references, ‘Drone’ could have been a great opportunity to explore the character development and storylines further. Unfortunately, it falls flat and becomes one of the weaker episodes of Smallville. The writing lacks depth, and the pacing feels off. It’s such a shame because the show has proven it can deliver engaging and well-executed episodes, but ‘Drone’ misses the mark.
Weak Storytelling
The storytelling in ‘Drone’ is also lacking. The plot revolves around a threat from a drone, which should have been an exciting and suspenseful premise. However, it fails to generate any real tension or excitement. The way the characters handle the situation feels forced and unnatural, making it hard to be fully invested in the storyline. It’s a missed opportunity to create a thrilling episode within the Smallville universe.
The Mysterious Case of Smallville’s ‘Drone’
A Hospital Visit and Suspicious Circumstances
In the latest episode of Smallville, titled ‘Drone’, we are thrown into a thrilling plot full of mystery and intrigue. The episode starts with a small boy named St, who ends up in the hospital after an accident. Although it seems like he will recover, things take a dark turn when the second victim, sadly, succumbs to their injuries. This is when the story takes a suspicious turn, leading our heroes, Clark and Chloe, to investigate.
The Bee Connection
As Clark and Chloe dig deeper into the case, they stumble upon a peculiar lead. They suspect that the main suspect, Shannon, may be controlling the bees somehow. It all comes down to a previous incident where Shannon was stung by a swarm of bees. The abundance of kryptonite nearby adds to the mystery, as the characters are yet to discover its true nature and effects. Although it may seem like a wild theory, the characters have encountered numerous strange occurrences in the past, making it a plausible explanation.
A Leap of Faith
The speed at which Clark and Chloe jump to the conclusion of Shannon controlling the bees is quite astounding. While it is understandable given their previous experiences, it still seems like a leap in logic. However, in the world of Smallville, where the extraordinary is the norm, such assumptions are not entirely unwarranted. It showcases the characters’ ability to piece together puzzling scenarios quickly.
The Culprit Behind the Bees
While it remains to be seen whether Shannon is indeed controlling the bees, the theory proposes that she may be luring unsuspecting individuals into a dangerous trap. The idea of her manipulating bees to do her bidding adds another layer of mystery to the plot. It leaves viewers curious to see how this predicament will be resolved and whether the characters’ assumptions will prove to be accurate.
In conclusion, ‘Drone’ presents an intriguing storyline where Clark and Chloe find themselves caught in a web of uncertainty. The sudden twist involving controlling bees takes the episode to a new level of suspense. With the characters’ knack for unravelling extraordinary events, it will be captivating to witness how they navigate these perplexing circumstances. Smallville continues to deliver riveting episodes that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Chloe’s Curiosity
In the small town of Smallville, Chloe Sullivan is known for her curiosity and relentless pursuit of the truth. In the eighteenth episode of the first season, titled “Drone,” Chloe’s investigative instincts kick into high gear once again. As the episode begins, we see Chloe utter the word “somehow” – a testament to her inquisitive nature.
An Investigation Begins
True to form, Chloe sets out to uncover the truth behind the mysterious occurrences in Smallville. She wastes no time in involving her friend Clark Kent in her investigation. However, her intentions seem to be somewhat questionable as she subtly threatens Clark, implying that if she can’t obtain the information she seeks, she may resort to harming him.
The Bee Encounter
In an intense scene, Chloe unleashes a swarm of bees on Clark while he is at the Talon with Lana. However, Clark’s quick reflexes and superhuman abilities enable him to freeze the bees and protect himself and Lana. Although Clark is powerful and seemingly unaffected by the attack, Chloe’s actions raise questions about her motives and mental state.
A Ludicrous Moment
Martha Kent, Clark’s adoptive mother, finds herself in a perilous situation when she unwittingly stumbles upon the bee-infested barn. In a moment of over-dramatization, the scene is captured in slow motion, reminiscent of a dramatic war movie. Martha’s frantic attempt to escape the bees becomes a comical spectacle, leading viewers to question the director’s choice in portraying this scene.
A Strange Control
Following the chaotic bee encounter, Chloe retreats to the barn to regroup. In a strange turn of events, she attempts to control the bees with her mind, contorting her face as if she were constipated. This perplexing display leaves viewers wondering about the extent of Chloe’s powers and her true intentions behind her investigative pursuits.
A Final Reflection
While “Drone” may not be the most action-packed or memorable episode of Smallville, it offers a glimpse into the complex character of Chloe Sullivan. Her insatiable curiosity and unorthodox methods of investigation raise eyebrows and keep viewers on the edge of their seats. As the episode concludes, it leaves us with lingering questions about Chloe’s true nature and the extent of her involvement in the strange happenings of Smallville.
Review of Smallville ‘Drone’ – Season 1 Episode 18
Main Plot: Lana and Nalon’s Storyline
In this episode, titled ‘Drone’, the main plot centers around Lana and Nalon. Lana seems to be facing some challenges with her business, as the local coffee shop, The Beanery, is stealing all her customers. It is quite disappointing to see her struggling, while The Beanery thrives just across the road.
Whitney, Lana’s boyfriend, tries to help by encouraging his friends to patronize her coffee shop. It’s rather pitiful to witness Lana resorting to such tactics to maintain her customer base. However, what surprises me is that Whitney doesn’t seem to mind whether Lana talks to Clark or not. It’s a sign of maturity on his part, I suppose.
B Plot: The Talon’s Decline
Meanwhile, the Talon, the popular hangout spot in Smallville, is also going through a rough patch. The Talon’s business has drastically declined, with hardly any customers visiting the place. It is disheartening to see such an iconic establishment struggling to stay afloat.
With a coffee shop called The Beanery gaining popularity across the road, the Talon’s disarray becomes even more evident. It’s understandable that Lana feels the pressure and does whatever it takes to survive.
A Subplot Gone Wrong – The Bee Explosion
In a bizarre turn of events, there is an explosion at Lana’s place that kills all the bees. It is during this incident that Clark, being Superman, saves her. The sudden explosion and Clark’s heroic act feel somewhat disjointed from the main plotline.
One would have expected the subplot to align with the overall theme of Lana and the Talon’s hardships. However, the bee explosion and Clark’s rescue seem like a forced attempt to create drama. It raises questions about the coherence of the episode and the decision-making process behind it.
The “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'” Episode Review
The Unsatisfying Story Perspective
Watching the seventeenth episode of Smallville’s first season, entitled “Drone,” was a rollercoaster of emotions. While I appreciate the fact that they didn’t drag on the Ral storyline, I can’t help but feel unsatisfied with how it was resolved. The episode seemed rushed and lacked a solid resolution.
A Glaring Trust Issue
Although the Ral storyline might be over for now, I can’t trust the writers not to revisit it in the future. It wouldn’t surprise me if, at any second, they decide to go back to Whitney being jealous and annoyed. This constant back and forth between characters is becoming tiresome, and it’s hard to invest in their development when they keep reverting to old habits.
Clark and Lana’s Complicated Dynamic
One aspect of the episode that stood out was Lana’s continued flirtation with Clark. While I appreciate the effort to add complexity to their relationship, it feels forced and a bit repetitive. Lana’s comments about Clark’s caring nature and his dedication to justice were a bit overplayed. It’s clear that Lana is still hung up on Whitney, so why the sudden interest in Clark?
Clark’s Confusing Actions
A confusing moment in the episode was when Clark suddenly decided to run after a conversation with Lana. Chloe rightfully questions his motives, pointing out that he didn’t seem interested in her yesterday. This sudden change in Clark’s behavior feels contradictory and undermines his character development. It’s difficult to understand his actions when they seem to be based solely on Lana’s involvement.
The Role of Talent Plus
The Talent Plus storyline seemed relatively insignificant in this episode. It mainly served as a means for Clark to interact with Lana and a few interactions with Lex. While Lex does push Lana to think outside the box and play dirty, it doesn’t contribute much to the overall plot. I would have preferred to see more substance and purpose given to this storyline.
In conclusion, “Drone” left me with mixed feelings. While I appreciate the progression of some character dynamics, the overall execution of the episode fell short. The rushed resolution of the Ral storyline and the questionable actions of the characters left much to be desired. I hope future episodes will provide more satisfying and cohesive storytelling.
She digs up dirt on the rivals
She takes matters into her own hands and investigates the rivals’ businesses, exposing health violations that ultimately shut them down. This proves to be a setback for the Talent business, as they were flourishing with no competition. Although the method may seem questionable, it effectively achieves the desired outcome.
A tolerable episode
In this episode, titled “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'”, the plot is somewhat palatable. While there were still elements of forced storytelling, it was not as unbearable as usual. The inclusion of a light-hearted joke about quoting The Godfather added a touch of humor. It was amusing to see the characters playfully referencing the iconic movie, especially when Lex, who is not as aged as the others, joined in. The joke worked well, considering the older demeanor displayed by Lex in the show.
Lana’s surprising role
Surprisingly, the Lana content in this episode is tolerable. Although there are a few moments where she acts overly infatuated with Clark, there is a sense of genuineness in their interactions. The scene on the porch after the bee attack, where they reflect on the necessity of spending more time together, felt heartfelt without being overly dramatic or cliché. It’s a refreshing change from the usual lovey-dovey eyes and constant mentions of Clark’s superpowers.
A hint of character development
This particular episode provides a glimpse of character growth, albeit subtle. The actions taken by the main character to expose the rivals’ violations demonstrate a level of resourcefulness and determination. It shows that she is willing to go to great lengths to protect her business and ensure its success. Additionally, the portrayal of Lana in a more grounded manner adds depth to her character, evoking a sense of relatability among the audience.
In conclusion…
(Note: As per the instructions, no concluding remarks are provided)
The Flirting and Cheesy Ending
The worst part of the episode “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'” is the ending. The scene where she asks him to read her speech is a bit cheesy. It’s understandable to be cheesed off by it. However, the concentration of the flirting scenes wasn’t consistent throughout the episode. Most of the dialogue was fine, except for one or two scenes where they diverted into flirting. It was a bit distracting and felt out of place.
Lex Falling for a Trap
One of the biggest issues with this episode, other than Clark being mad at Chloe, was the fact that Lex falls for a trap so easily. He encounters a sexy woman by the road pretending to need help with her car. It’s understandable that Lex would stop to offer assistance, but what’s frustrating is that he falls for it. He quickly realizes that something is off and suspects it’s an interview. The problem lies in the fact that the woman actually succeeds in trapping Lex later on. She writes a hatchet job article about him, claiming to be a junior reporter. It’s hard to believe that Lex, an experienced businessman, would fall for such a trick.
The First Big Story
The woman who traps Lex emphasizes that this is her first big story. She proudly claims to be a junior reporter. This raises doubts about Lex’s judgement and decision-making skills. Is it realistic that someone with Lex’s experience and intelligence would be easily fooled by a rookie journalist? It seems unlikely and questions the credibility of the storyline.
Overall, “Suffering Smallville ‘Drone'” had its flaws. The cheesy ending and Lex falling for a trap were the main issues that stood out. While there were some enjoyable moments throughout the episode, these two aspects were disappointing and could have been improved. It’s important for a show to maintain consistency and believability in its storyline, and unfortunately, this episode fell short in those areas.
The Seductive Journalist
In the latest episode of Smallville, titled “Drone”, we are introduced to a new character who adds a touch of seduction to the storyline. This character, played by a familiar face from the “Mate Dock” movies, brings a refreshing change to the series.
A Blast From the Past
As soon as this character appeared on screen, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity. After a quick search, I discovered that she had indeed been a part of all three “Mate Dock” movies. It’s interesting to see her now in a more mature role, shedding her previous image as a young teenager.
A Hitman in Disguise
One of the intriguing aspects of this character is her ability to transform. She effortlessly embodies the role of a seductive journalist, but underneath it all, I imagine her to be a deadly hitman. There’s a moment in the episode where she cleverly covers for the masseuse’s absence, and I can’t help but wonder what she did to make that happen.
Lex’s Cartoony Heroism
While this episode had its share of enjoyable moments, one aspect that felt a bit over-the-top was Lex’s sudden act of heroism. As he drives by in his Ferrari, he spots the character in distress and pulls over to help. It’s a bit too cartoonish, but at the same time, it’s not entirely out of character for Lex. He has always been portrayed as someone who is willing to go the extra mile.
An Unresolved Cliffhanger
As the episode comes to an end, there is no clear resolution to the situation. The character’s intentions remain ambiguous, leaving viewers eager to know what her next move will be. Although this lack of closure may leave some feeling unsatisfied, it does add an element of suspense and anticipation for future episodes.
In conclusion, “Drone” introduces us to a captivating character who adds a touch of mystery and intrigue to Smallville. While some aspects of the episode may veer towards the cartoonish, it doesn’t take away from the overall enjoyment of the storyline. With the cliffhanger ending, viewers are left wanting more, eagerly awaiting the next episode to see how the story unfolds.
Suffering Smallville ‘Drone’ [Season 1 Episode 18 Review]
Impressive Visuals
I can look good here. Every time he’s going to do that, I suppose, but hey, that was basic. Smallville’s ‘Drone’ episode deserves some appreciation for the impressive visuals it presents. While it may not be as visually pleasing as some other episodes, it still manages to convey its message effectively. The CGI, especially in the depiction of the bees, could have been better, but at least it gives the impression of lots of bees forming an image rather than a solid body.
An Upgrade from Arrow’s B Episode
Smallville’s ‘Drone’ episode outshines Arrow’s B episode in terms of execution. In the latter, the villain formed a physical body that connected together, but in Smallville, at least they didn’t rely on such gimmicks. Although the face transformation was not perfect and could have been better, it was still a step ahead compared to the awful CGI in Arrow.
An Unsettling Costume Choice
While the drone’s physical appearance was unsettling, the choice of costume added to the discomfort. The episode depicts the drone wearing a suit, which makes it even more eerie. However, this creative decision adds to the overall tone of the episode and enhances the viewer’s experience.
Challenges in Visual Effects
The visual effects team faced significant challenges in bringing the drone to life. While the CGI could have been improved, it’s important to acknowledge their efforts in creating a believable visual representation. Despite the flaws, the team managed to present the concept effectively, even if it fell short in terms of execution.
A Remarkable Episode
In conclusion, Smallville’s ‘Drone’ episode offers an intriguing storyline with impressive visuals. It may not be perfect, but it still manages to captivate the audience. The creative choices made, such as the unsettling costume and the concept of bees forming an image, add depth and intrigue to the episode. Season 1, Episode 18 of Smallville will surely leave viewers with a memorable experience, despite its flaws.
In this episode, Smallville revisits a tired and overused storyline that we have seen in previous superhero shows. While it may not offer anything fresh or exciting, it does serve as a reminder of the different character dynamics within the student campaign. How will Clark handle being unexpectedly thrust into the political spotlight? Only time will tell.
In conclusion, ‘Drone’ is a disappointing episode of Smallville. The bad references and weak dialogue overshadow any potential the episode had. It’s clear that the writers were trying to pay homage to the Superman mythology, but they missed the mark and ended up with a lackluster result. While the primary color scheme may be forgivable, the execution of the references and storytelling leave much to be desired. Hopefully, future episodes can redeem the show and deliver the quality content that Smallville is known for.
In summary, ‘Drone’ seems to suffer from a lack of coherence and focus in its storytelling. The main plot revolving around Lana and Nalon’s struggles with their respective businesses is overshadowed by the bizarre subplot of the bee explosion. While it is commendable to attempt to incorporate different storylines, it can be detrimental if they don’t seamlessly fit together.
The episode could have benefitted from a stronger connection between the main plot and the subplot, allowing for a more cohesive and engaging narrative. Nonetheless, it still offers some interesting developments in the ongoing drama of Smallville.