Review of the SJRC F22 S 4K Drone
The SJRC F22 S 4K Drone is known for its advanced features and impressive capabilities. Let’s delve into the details of this drone and see what it has to offer.
Type C Port and Joystick
The drone is equipped with a Type C port for charging and data transfer. The joystick, however, is a bit complicated. It needs to be detached in order to be connected properly. While this may be a slight inconvenience, it ensures a secure connection between the drone and the joystick.
Remote Control
The remote control is designed in an ergonomic manner, providing a comfortable grip. It features a power button that can be pressed once to turn on and off. The remote also includes indicators for distance, speed, and battery levels.
Emergency Stop Feature
The remote control has an emergency stop button located on the left side. When held down for a longer duration, it activates the emergency landing feature. This is a crucial function that ensures the safety of the drone in case of any unforeseen situations.
Speed and Camera Modes
There are different speed modes available with the SJRC F22 S 4K Drone. By pressing the speed button once, the drone switches to a different speed setting. Additionally, the camera mode can be adjusted by holding the button down. This allows you to switch between GPS and altitude mode depending on your location and shooting requirements.
Camera and Smart Functions
The drone is equipped with a high-quality camera that can capture stunning 4K footage and photos. The camera button on the remote control allows you to take photos with a single press and initiate video recording by holding it down. The drone also features a Return to Home (RTH) button and an Angel button for controlling the gimbal and adjusting the camera angle.
Battery Life
The SJRC F22 S 4K Drone comes with a 3.7V battery that offers a decent flight time. With its advanced power management system, the drone maximizes battery efficiency to ensure longer flight durations.
000 mAh Guys, tapi saya kurang yakin guys ini 3.500 mAh, baterainya sel setebal ini, 1 sel 3.000 yang mahal, ya enggak tahu sih saya nanti coba bongkarlah nanti. Kapan-kapan saya penasaran soalnya orangang untuk antenanya, dia sudah ada langsung di dalam sini. Ya, sepertinya jadi sudah langsung menyatu dengan holder handphone nya untuk handphone nya di sini. Dudukannya kok karena ada karet. Oke, jadi untuk remote nya kayaknya cuma itu saja untuk mematikannya. Tekan sekali terus tahan, oke power off ini dilipat ke atas kemudian dikasih masuk sini, nah ini juga simpel ya. Oke, jadi kita langsung ke unitnya.
## Dimensi dan Desain
G jadi ini kalau dari segi dimensi mungkin hampir sama sih ini untuk pengaman jadi kalau yang versi du dua ini kita mau buka atas dulu apa bawah dulu bebas karena ee gear landing nya ini bisa dilipat. Ya, seperti ini tuh sor bebas cuma kalau kita ngelepas jangan dipegang motornya, jadi pegangnya tu di sini terus ditarik nah sama aja di depan juga dipegang di bawannya motor sini. Oke jadi kalau sudah dibuka modelnya seperti ini gengs ya ini baterainya saya kasih pengaman. Soalnya kalau dikasih tempat lain agak tebal jadi lucu. Kalau menurut saya sih lucu bentuknya saya lebih senang yang versi f11s ya dia lebih kokoh kelihatan terus aramnya ini lebih X dia bentuknya X kalau ini lebih ke apa Ya kayak Ah ya kayak ah enggak terlalu miring. Jadi hampir lurus gengs ya untuk bagian sininya juga lucu gengs kenapa enggak dibikin rata saja ya sama belakangnya ini jadi enggak kelihatan seperti ini dan saya rasa ini rawan ya bisa rawan patah kalau misalnya jatuh kalau 11; sih kokoh banget dan tangguh cuma enggak tahu ya jadi seperti ini unitnya saya lebih senang kalau untuk bodinya pakai body f11s ya tapi di upgrade ke remotnya mungkin populernya seperti ini ya kerenlah kalau untuk motornya saya rasa sama aja sih.
## Fitur dan Performa
Nah, ini dia obstakelnya ya sebenarnya. Bukan bukan ke sensor anti nabrak sebenarnya sih cuma untuk apa ya peringatan doang sih saya rasa ya karena enggak enggak enggak. Seperti yang saya lihat di Youtube, Youtube tuh, dia enggak terlalu respon. Ya, kalau ada ada stackle atau ada halangan di depan itu untuk gimbalnya sendiri kameranya sama. Seperti f11
The SJRC F22 S 4K Drone Review
Battery Life and Performance
The SJRC F22 S 4K drone boasts a 500mAh battery that can allegedly provide up to 35 minutes of flying time. However, it is important to note that this duration is based on a static, standby position. When used for actual maneuvering during flights, the battery life may decrease significantly. Additionally, if the drone is equipped with a high-quality 4K camera, it will consume additional power. These factors should be taken into consideration when planning your drone activities.
Capturing High-Quality Footage
The inclusion of a 4K camera in the SJRC F22 S drone ensures that users can capture stunning footage. However, it is worth noting that this feature will require additional power, as mentioned earlier. With the 4K camera, users can expect superior image quality, but it’s important to account for the increased power consumption.
Future Plans and Considerations
After reviewing the capabilities and performance of the SJRC F22 S 4K drone, there are several considerations to be made. First, live streaming capabilities will be tested during future flights. The ability to share real-time footage or conduct live streaming sessions will be explored. Following these tests, further adjustments and decisions will be made. The drone’s potential for various applications, such as commercial or personal use, will be carefully evaluated.
The SJRC F22 S 4K Drone is a feature-packed and versatile drone that offers impressive performance and capabilities. With its advanced camera, smart functions, and user-friendly remote control, it is suitable for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the SJRC F22 S 4K drone offers promising features for enthusiasts and professionals alike. However, users should be mindful of the battery life when engaging in actual maneuvers and capturing high-quality footage. This drone opens up exciting possibilities for live streaming and other applications, and further evaluations and decisions will be made based on its performance during future flights.
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