Obviously, on Deck boom, boom, um and yeah were just going to rip a few packs. I want to talk about these batteries a little bit uh give my you know, review on them. How I like them, I pretty much buy them for my uh 5in freestyle exclusively, so uh Ill kind of give you my opinion, Im going to fly a couple packs. I figured the best way to kind of do. This was Ill fly, one pack on my freestyle quad, which is the moon goat with the action cam um One battery on there and then uh as another test Ill kind of fly. This uh Evo, with a kind of a little heavier quad, I think its like 876, all up so throw battery on there and see how that responds. Um and yeah Ill give my opinions on the pack how it felt how my quad felt flying with them and the weight and all that um, because thats kind of like the biggest thing that people say like oh, like theyre, you know they look like theyre a Big battery, but like trust me when you put it on your quad, like you know a little hint here as to what Im going to say but uh, it still feels pretty light. So I dont know: Ive been kind of enjoying them and yeah youll see the footage and you guys can kind of give your own opinion um, but yeah all right, so Im going to do a little voice over narration here with the pack.
Flight Test and Performance
During the flight test, the CNHL Ministar 6S LiPo battery performed exceptionally well. The reviewer flew several packs on different quadcopters, including a freestyle quad and a heavier quad, and found that the battery provided consistent power and performance throughout the flights. The quadcopters responded well to the battery, and the weight of the battery did not impede the performance of the drones.
Opinion on Battery
The reviewer expressed satisfaction with the CNHL Ministar 6S LiPo battery, stating that it felt light despite its size. The battery provided ample power and did not hinder the agility or responsiveness of the quadcopters during flight. The reviewer noted that the battery performed well on both light and heavy quads, making it a versatile choice for freestyle flying.
First Flight Experience
My two videos I recorded I didn’t have the microphone set up correctly. So this is all you get, but yeah, it’s my first pack of the day just kind of getting into it here. Beauty of beams is you just find a gap and send yourself through it somehow, so it’s kind of great. There are tons of gaps everywhere, it’s pretty much a big gap, but it’s devastating if you hit the beam and then it’s not been very quad.
Flying Through Gaps
Here I’m just flying trying to fly a little faster, pick up some speed, kind of hit some of these gaps and get more comfortable with it. You put that connection with the sticks, go off to the side of the building here, just explore a little bit more and shoot around the top of the roof. I’m just trying to find my flow still as a pilot, like I’m just doing all this stuff, and then some of it ends up being cool, some of it’s like, all right. I don’t even know what I was doing, but at the end of the day, I’ll refine that over time.
Twirling Through Gaps
I kind of like to twirl in and out of here a little bit, some of these little gaps, some of the harder ones, just go back and forth. There’s some prop wash – that was the first I’ve really seen of it.
Impressive Performance
So far was terrible juicy flick, but I got work on that um yeah. I got a kiss f controller um. I got like a fly: color, ESC and pbjs on there with some axis flying Motors, so this is 1960 KV Motors um, you know they’re great. They F really well there’s power over there. I crashed them a lot and they’ve held up pretty well so Im. Just really enjoying that right now and all upgrad the squad is like 746 g wow, getting pretty close there, um 746 G, so it’s kind of like middle of the range for your freestyle. You know quad yeah, pretty good pack.
Heavy Quad Experiment
So this is the heavier quad, 846 or 876 G, rather the full GoPro 2. I on it uh the idea here is I really wanted to put the batteries on this quad and see if I could freestyle it right like this, is for, like primarily cinematic purposes, um it’s Apex, Evo deadcat, and I just wanted to see like you know, 1960 Kv Motors, PB and JS can I fly this like pretty much a freestyle, sad uh, even though it’s like really heavy um, and I think you really can right, you’re seeing I’m doing a lot of cool like rotations here. That was no prop wash um, so you know you can do a lot of these cool moves for those pilots who fly full GoPro and like are thinking about like what battery do I get.
The Power of CNHL Ministar 6S
Do I got to get a lighter battery like Im, not even going to lie? You know. The cornering is not amazing here, like obviously there’s something to be desired, it’s a heavier quad right, but at the end of the day, the 120c lipos from try to hobby line are just like juic them like Im here.
Durability and Performance
Probably like a minute and a half into The pack and Im just juicing it on this orbit uh and now I really start to pick up the speed and just like really see what I can get out of the pack and keep in mind Im on a heavy lot um. So its like really pushing here, um and yeah man, its like everything I throw at the pack, is pretty much handling it.
Handling and Speed
Like I said, the cornering of the squad is not as great as like what you saw in the previous back, but uh its pretty good. For our 876 G quad Im not going to lie a lot of that, it has to do with kiss doing a lot of the heavy lifting, but i like to think that you know you’re pretty much getting like every one. You know 120 C out of this, that you thats there right, like all the Cs, you’re getting them its really working for it right with this heavier quad and Im still like doing cool stuff here, like its not really very fast proxy stuff, but like Im H Power.
Impressions on CNHL Ministar 6S
Yall, and I just wanted to give you my Impressions on. You know the pack, the the spot, everything allinone, um and yeah hope you guys enjoyed their little review.
Sponsored CNHL Pilot
I did um Im a sponsored, cnhl pilot, so you know thats kind of where this is coming from. I wanted to review the products since Ive kind of been with them from the beginning when I first started flying and using their packs in 2021.
Daily Go-To Packs
So I just kind of wanted to give my input and um its my daily go to packs. So I really there nothing, you know nothing better. I can say about it, then I fly it every day. So um that was my input and yeah.
Overall, the CNHL Ministar 6S LiPo battery received positive feedback from the reviewer. Its light weight, consistent performance, and compatibility with various quadcopters make it a top choice for freestyle flying. The reviewer recommended the battery for enthusiasts looking for a reliable and high-performing power source for their drones.
Oh and then I crashed but yeah that’s about it.