I’m super excited because we’re taking The Skys surer aircraft out for a ride to a local coffee shop. At the same time, I thought I’d answer some of the most popular questions I get asked like how to fly and how to control it. Some of its latest updates and cool new features like autopilot. For anyone that’s new here, The Skys surer aircraft is the world’s smallest and First Electric drone vehicle that can fold down to fit into a box.
Convenience at its Best
So small, you can carry it with you onto a passenger plane and travel with it, getting us one step closer to a future where we can all say, “honey, I’m flying to the grocery store need anything.” Huge shout-out to all the subscribers and followers who are making this journey possible. For more details or to purchase your own, feel free to check out Our website.
Exciting New Features
Let’s talk about what I personally think is the coolest new feature on The Skys Surfer pro model – it can fly to you on its own. With just a cell phone or computer, it shows up, you step on it, grab the controller, and off you go. It’s like calling an Uber but without the small talk and questionable air fresheners. This drone stays within 1 inch of where you tell it to fly, thanks to a whole new system packed with industrial electronics and sensors while flying autonomously.
Flight Range and Safety Features
The flight range is theoretically unlimited because it connects to hundreds of different redundant networks. Think of cell phone towers, satellites, and encrypted radio signals. All that means is it’s super safe, it’s designed so that everything has a backup so you’re basically flying on three aircraft instead of just one.
Flight Time and Battery Charging
Each Skys Surfer aircraft comes with a charging system that works with 120 and 240 volts, so it doesn’t matter what side of the world you live on. It takes around 45 minutes to charge the batteries or you can easily swap them out with a new set. If you just want to keep flying during testing, we flew for around 30 minutes but decided to stop there because the parts start to get pretty toasty. A solid 20 plus minutes of flight is a good estimation.
A pretty cool thing is that every time you land the battery slightly recharge themselves, so you could theoretically fly for hours if you keep landing taking off again without going in too deep. It’s like the Skys Surfer saying, “Hey, slow down there. I need a little break too.” The chemistry inside the batteries has to work pretty hard when you’re flying. So when you land, it settles down a bit and that helps give you an extra boost to power.
Factors Affecting Flight Time
The amount of time you can fly depends on a whole lot of different things, but the most important one is your weight.
Flight Experience
The 30 plus minutes of flight that I got was with a 185 lb person, but we’ve designed The Sky’s surfery to carry up to 500 lb. I’ve even flown with two people before. You might be wondering what happens if I need to replace something like a broken propeller or motor. We have a part store that everyone can easily access to order replacements.
Custom Parts Design
We had to design and engineer our own custom parts because nothing out there was made for human flight. The parts are designed to handle extreme heat, vibrations, and heavy weight all with safety as a priority. Basically, it’s like having a pit crew for your personal aircraft.
Regulations and Safety
Let’s give a quick nod to the FAA. They really appreciate it when I remind you to follow all rules and regulations while flying. All this footage is behind the scenes of a project we were hired for, so it took a good bit of work to set up. I think it’s funny when you point out all the people and moving cars in this video are actually working for us. We even have people in disguise, so if you spot them drop a comment. And hey, if you like this video hit that like button to help it reach more people.
Smooth Flight Experience
You might notice some extreme shaking and bumps in this video. None of that is actually there. The camera is unfortunately mounted on a pole that’s just swinging around. When you’re flying, it’s actually a smooth ride and feels just like standing on the ground.
Controller and Navigation
One thing I haven’t talked about much is how you control the aircraft while you’re flying in my hand. The controller is complete with a small computer and programming to make it feel like you’re just standing on the ground and whatever direction you look is essentially where you go. You’ve got gas and brake, and if you drop the controller, don’t worry, the skyer takes over. We’ve made sure there are multiple ways to control it, so you’re always covered. The controller has a screen for things like battery power, speed, altitude, operating temperatures, alarms and a whole lot more. It can connect to helmets and headphones, so it can talk to you and recommend landing. If an alarm goes off, you can customize it however you want, for example, with new alarms, timers for how long you’ve been flying, and warnings if you go over a certain speed. The possibilities are endless.
Power and Speed
Now, let’s talk about the best part, which is power. I’ve flown at speeds of 65 mph or 104 kmph for my metric friends and stopped early because, well, that’s pretty fast. We designed The Sky Surfer with more power than it needs, so if a motor stops, the others can easily keep you flying. It takes about 1 second to take off and a few more to reach.
Unlimited Possibilities with Skys Surfer
40 ft up, if you’re not interested in flying to the Moon, you can always limit the speed and power with a few button clicks inside the controller. The Skys Surfer has endless features and capabilities that I’ve personally programmed into it. I’d love to create videos for each and really dive deep into them. Hitting subscribe will give us the opportunity to create more.
Advanced Features of eVTOL Technology
Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) technology is revolutionizing the way we think about transportation. With eVTOL vehicles, we can experience the thrill of human flight in a safe and efficient manner. These vehicles are equipped with advanced features that allow for smooth takeoffs and landings, as well as precise control during flight.
Manned Drones for Personal Transport
Manned drones are opening up new possibilities for personal transport. Imagine being able to fly to work or travel to your favorite vacation spot in a compact and efficient vehicle. Manned drones offer a unique flying experience that combines the convenience of a car with the exhilaration of flying. With proper training and certification, anyone can enjoy the freedom of manned drone flight.