The DJI FPV drone is an exciting piece of technology that allows users to experience the thrills of first-person view (FPV) flying. However, it is important to note that flying this drone can be challenging, and precautions must be taken to ensure safety. In this review, we will discuss the long-term experience of using the DJI FPV drone, including its features, safety considerations, and recommended tools for safe flying.
The DJI FPV drone has gained popularity among beginners in the world of first-person view (FPV) flying. While it is an excellent choice for those looking to take their first leap into FPV, there are a few factors to consider before making a purchase. In this review, we will discuss the pros and cons of the DJI FPV drone and explore the benefits of DJI Care, a protection plan offered by the company.
The DJI FPV Drone: A Long-Term Review
The Fragility of Glass
One of the notable features of the DJI FPV drone is its unique composition. Made predominantly of glass, this drone is a beauty to behold. However, its delicate nature cannot be ignored. A hard landing can lead to significant damage, as seen in videos where users have damaged the arms of the drone. Despite the damage, the drone continues to function flawlessly. This durability allows users to continue flying the drone without the need for immediate repair or replacement.
Landing in Normal Mode
When it comes to landing the DJI FPV drone, it is crucial to opt for the normal mode rather than attempting a manual landing. Landing in manual mode can result in the drone flipping upside down, leading to a panic-inducing situation. It is advisable to avoid such complications and prevent the need for immediate recovery efforts. Sticking to normal mode when landing ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Challenges in Repairability
Despite its impressive performance and functionality, repairing the DJI FPV drone poses some challenges. If an arm is broken, it requires recalibration, which can be a cumbersome and intricate process. Unlike other drones where you can simply replace the frame, the DJI FPV drone necessitates a more complex repair procedure. The availability of spare parts is limited, making it difficult for users to handle repairs on their own. However, it is expected that future iterations of this drone will greatly improve on the repairability aspect.
The Unexpected Savior: GPS
An unforeseen advantage of using the DJI app is the incorporation of a GPS feature. Losing signal with the drone can be a nerve-wracking experience for any pilot. However, with the assistance of the app’s map feature, users can easily locate their lost drone. This proved to be a pleasant surprise for some users who were able to successfully retrieve their drones even when they were in a damaged condition.
The Lessons Learned
The DJI FPV drone offers an exhilarating flying experience, but it comes with its fair share of limitations. Its fragility due to the glass composition and the complexities involved in repairability are aspects that need improvement. However, the inclusion of GPS in the DJI app brings a sense of security to pilots, ensuring that even in the face of loss of signal, the drone can be tracked down. With each iteration, DJI is sure to address these weaknesses and provide an even more user-friendly and robust FPV drone.
The DJI FPV Review: Long Term
Camera Quality and Air Unit
When it comes to the DJI FPV drone, its camera quality is not the best. It still uses the old air unit, which means that the camera quality is not the highest. However, the newer air unit does offer a slight improvement in camera quality.
Using GoPro with the Drone
Some people choose to attach a GoPro to the DJI FPV drone, but this can affect its aerodynamics. It is important to keep in mind that this is not safe and may void any insurance coverage. Insurance providers typically do not cover unexpected payloads that are not accounted for in the original model. So, if you decide to attach another camera, make sure you have insurance coverage for it.
However, it is worth noting that when a GoPro is attached, the overall camera quality is significantly better. This can be a deciding factor for those who prioritize high-quality footage.
DJI FPV vs. Avat Drone
While the DJI FPV drone can reach impressive speeds of 70-90 miles per hour, the Avat drone may not be able to match this speed. However, the Avat drone is preferred by some for casual shooting purposes. It does not have propeller guards, which makes it more suitable for capturing certain shots. The propeller guards on the DJI FPV drone are removable, but their presence explains the size of the drone. It is important to consider this factor when choosing a drone, as the size may affect portability.
Ease of Use and Setup
One advantage of the DJI FPV drone is its ease of use. Setting it up is relatively simple. All you need to do is download the DJI app, install it on your phone, and set up the goggles. Once these steps are completed, you are ready to take off and start flying.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone offers decent camera quality, especially with the newer air unit. Although some may choose to attach a GoPro, this can affect the drone’s aerodynamics and insurance coverage. The Avat drone, on the other hand, may be more suitable for casual shooting due to its lack of propeller guards. Consider the size and portability when choosing between the two. Despite these differences, the DJI FPV drone is easy to set up and use, making it a popular choice among drone enthusiasts.
Setting up the DJI FPV Drone
Setting up the DJI FPV drone is extremely straightforward and hassle-free. There is no need to delve into complicated procedures or configurations. This simplicity makes it accessible and user-friendly for beginners. To set up the manual mode with a controller, a few adjustments with the joysticks and configurations are required. If you need assistance in this aspect, a tutorial link or an explanatory image can provide the necessary guidance.
The Challenge of Signal Loss
When venturing into the world of FPV (First Person View) flying, encountering signal loss is an inevitable obstacle. This was a challenge that I faced when I first acquired the DJI FPV drone. It is crucial to understand that maintaining a reliable line of signal is essential, rather than solely relying on visual line of sight. Having a spotter can greatly assist in this regard. It is important to note that flying through obstructions such as walls can cause signal loss, as the transfer of signals is obstructed. This factor should always be kept in mind to ensure a seamless FPV flight experience.
The Importance of Understanding Signal Loss
Throughout my experience with the DJI FPV drone, I have encountered signal loss on multiple occasions. However, I found that the main cause was my lack of knowledge at the time. It is imperative to comprehend the implications of signal loss when flying FPV, especially when compared to traditional drones. In traditional drones, losing signal is less worrisome as they tend to fly at slower speeds and will automatically return to the home point. On the contrary, with FPV drones, losing signal during an intricate maneuver like a flip or somersault can lead to unpredictable movements, possibly resulting in a crash.
Relying on GPS and Return-to-Home
The DJI FPV drone comes equipped with GPS capabilities and a convenient return-to-home feature. This is undoubtedly advantageous in case of signal loss or any other unforeseen circumstances. However, it is crucial not to solely rely on these features. During complex maneuvers, there is a possibility of the drone ascending or descending unexpectedly, leading to a crash. As a responsible FPV pilot, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the drone’s capabilities and limitations, even with the support of advanced features like GPS and return-to-home.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone offers an accessible and user-friendly experience for both beginners and experienced pilots. The setup process is seamless, and the drone provides impressive features such as GPS and return-to-home. However, it is vital to be aware of the challenges of signal loss and the precautions necessary when flying FPV. By maintaining a reliable line of signal and understanding the limitations of GPS and return-to-home, a safe and enjoyable FPV flight experience can be ensured.
Controller Limitations
One of the drawbacks of the DJI FPV drone lies in its controller. While it is lightweight and capable, it falls short when compared to traditional FPV drones equipped with Crossfire. When using Crossfire, losing signal does not mean losing control of the drone. However, with the DJI FPV drone, losing signal results in a loss of control to some extent. The drone may enter an auto mode, but it does not provide the same level of control as a Crossfire-equipped drone. This limitation can be problematic, particularly in situations where maintaining control is crucial.
Return to Home Feature
The DJI FPV drone utilizes a return to home feature in case of signal loss. This is a useful function, especially during flights where the drone is not visible to the operator. While it is important to maintain visual line of sight when flying drones, some individuals tend to fly the DJI FPV drone at distances far beyond recommended limits. However, relying solely on the return to home feature is not advised, as it is essential to always prioritize visual line of sight for safe and responsible flying.
Modes for Traditional Drone Flying
The DJI FPV drone offers a few modes for normal drone flying, including sport mode. However, it is worth noting that this drone may not be the best choice for traditional drone flying. The quality difference and sacrifices made for the FPV experience are quite substantial compared to other DJI drones such as the Mavic series. Therefore, if your main focus is on capturing high-quality footage and photos, it is recommended to opt for a mavic drone instead of the DJI FPV drone.
Overall, the DJI FPV drone has its strengths and weaknesses. While it provides an exhilarating and immersive FPV experience, there are limitations with the controller and sacrifices in terms of image quality compared to other DJI drones. It is important to weigh these factors and consider your specific needs and preferences before investing in the DJI FPV drone.
DJI FPV Review – Long Term
The Camera and Design
The DJI FPV drone may not have the best camera on the market, but it still offers a lot of features for enthusiasts. The sensor is larger, which allows for better image quality. However, it is worth noting that this drone is primarily designed for FPV flying and chasing cars rather than capturing still images. Due to its purpose, the drone is prone to crashes and near misses, so it is recommended to handle it with care. If it does crash, immediate repairs are necessary unlike other drones that can withstand more impact.
ND Filters and Shutter Speed
To ensure the safety of the drone’s lens, it is highly recommended to get ND filters. These filters not only protect the lens during crashes but also help maintain the appropriate shutter speed for realistic motion blur. As the recommended frame rate for shooting with this drone is 60 FPS, using ND filters can help in achieving the desired effects.
Battery Life
One of the downsides of the DJI FPV drone is its battery life. Although DJI claims it can last around 15 to 20 minutes, the actual battery life is significantly shorter. When operating in full manual mode, the drone can last only around four to five minutes or even less. This limited battery life can pose a challenge, especially when attempting complex maneuvers or following moving objects, such as cars. It is important to plan accordingly and have spare batteries on hand for extended flying sessions.
The DJI FPV Review – Long Term
Battery Efficiency
You know it can drain quite a lot of your battery hovering, so I’d recommend you want to only bring the Drone up when you’re ready to fly, so you can get the most out of your battery, because these batteries are not cheap, like £708 depending on if you get them brand new or second hand – and you need quite a lot of them and that’s actually one of the cons, this drone, if you go into like custom, fpv, V drones or even preconfigured fpv drones by iight, if you look at this one, for Example, which is a similar drone to the avata they’re, like £151 each the batteries and you can just buy loads of them, but when you try to run a business and the battery is like almost £100 each or whatever it’s quite difficult to get that and it’s just a bit annoying you’re having to bring a charger with you on set to charge the batteries up so that’s something to bear in mind with this drone.
Flight Simulator
If you want to get up to speed with flying in fpv, I recommend doing a flight simulator first. There are quite a lot of them on Steam. I’ve actually got a full blog where I talk about all the different flight simulators and which ones I recommend, which ones I don’t recommend. There’s even a flight simulator that can work on your phone as well, which is quite cool.
DJI FPV Review: Long Term
Setting Up and Flying the DJI FPV Drone
Setting up the DJI FPV drone is straightforward. Simply connect the DJI controller using the included cable, and you are ready to experience FPV flying. However, it is crucial to remember that flying FPV can be difficult for beginners. Many people make the mistake of simply launching the drone into the air without any practice, only to end up crashing and incurring expensive repairs. Therefore, it is highly recommended to practice flying the drone in a controlled environment, away from people and obstacles.
Importance of Health and Safety
While not directly related to the DJI FPV drone, health and safety are paramount when operating such a powerful and potentially dangerous device. Always ensure that the drone is packed securely in a bag and that its propellers are not exposed. Flying this drone at high speeds of up to 87 miles per hour requires significant caution, especially in crowded areas. It is essential to fly in locations where there are no people present or, if there are, to involve them in the process to ensure their safety.
Compliance with Regulations
Flying a drone in heavily regulated areas such as city centers or restricted zones requires compliance with local laws and regulations. One advantage of the DJI FPV drone is its integration with DJI’s maps, which prevents takeoff unless the designated geographic zones (G Zones) are cleared or a specific request has been submitted and approved. This feature ensures that users are aware of potential flight restrictions, reducing the chances of flying in unsafe or prohibited areas.
Recommended Tools for Safe Flying
To further enhance safety during drone operations, it is highly recommended to use the Drone Safety Map. This tool provides real-time information about airspace restrictions, no-fly zones, and other safety considerations. By using the Drone Safety Map, users can ensure that they are taking off from areas that are both safe and legally permitted. Additionally, always keep spare propellers and backup batteries handy to avoid any disruptions during flights.
The Perfect Drone for Beginners
For individuals who are new to FPV, the DJI FPV drone is highly recommended. It provides a seamless flying experience without the need to delve into technicalities such as beta flight and configuration. The focus is on getting the drone in the air and enjoying the thrill of FPV flying.
The Importance of DJI Care
While the DJI FPV drone offers an unparalleled flying experience, it is not immune to crashes and damages. This is where DJI Care comes in, offering a comprehensive protection plan for the drone. Although it comes at a higher cost compared to repairing a custom-built FPV drone independently, DJI Care ensures a hassle-free experience.
Say Goodbye to Insurance Hassles
Using DJI Care eliminates the need for traditional insurance claims. Instead of going through the insurance process, which can add to your history and premium, DJI Care simplifies the procedure. They assess the flight report and the condition of the drone and usually ask you to send it in for repair or replacement.
Flyway Cover for Added Peace of Mind
One of the significant advantages of choosing DJI Care is the Flyway Cover it offers. If you happen to crash the drone and cannot locate it, even if it has fallen into water, DJI Care will, in most cases, send you a replacement without any questions asked. However, it is important to note that the cost of this service is higher than repairing the drone yourself.
Considerations for the Budget-Conscious
While DJI Care offers an excellent service, it is essential to evaluate your budget before opting for this protection plan. If you have the skills and resources to repair the drone independently, this may be a more cost-effective option. However, for those who prefer the convenience and assurance provided by DJI Care, it is a worthwhile investment.
Build Quality and Repairs
The DJI FPV drone is known for its exceptional build quality. Compared to other drones in its class, it offers a lot better durability and sturdiness. This is an important factor to consider when investing in a drone, as accidents and crashes are bound to happen, especially for beginners. With the DJI FPV, the chances of it being used again without the need for extensive repairs are much higher.
GPS and Learning Curve
One of the standout features of the DJI FPV is its GPS capabilities. This ensures stability and precise positioning during flights, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users. However, it is important to note that the DJI FPV does come with a steeper learning curve compared to other drones. This means that users, especially beginners, will need to spend more time getting familiar with the controls and flying techniques before fully enjoying the capabilities of the drone.
Spare Parts and Ease of Repair
One of the advantages of choosing the DJI FPV drone is the availability of spare parts. DJI provides a wide range of spare parts for their drones, making repairs much easier. If you do happen to crash or damage your drone, you can easily replace the necessary parts and get it back up and running in no time. This not only provides convenience but also saves you money in the long run compared to having to buy a whole new drone.
Further Questions and Drone Blog
If you have any further questions regarding the DJI FPV drone or any other drone-related topics, feel free to reach out. Additionally, if you are interested in learning more about drones, be sure to check out my drone blog. It is a valuable resource for drone enthusiasts of all levels, with informative articles and guides to help you navigate the world of drones.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone offers exceptional build quality, with the ability to withstand crashes and accidents. Its GPS capabilities provide stability and precise positioning, although it does come with a steeper learning curve. The availability of spare parts make repairs easier and more affordable. If you are looking for a reliable and durable drone, the DJI FPV is definitely worth considering.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone offers a unique experience for FPV enthusiasts. Despite not having the best camera quality and limited battery life, it is a powerful tool for adrenaline-filled flying and chasing cars. The larger sensor and the option to capture stills make it a versatile choice, although it is not the primary focus of this drone. Remember to handle it with care and consider getting ND filters for added protection and better control of the shutter speed.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone offers an exhilarating and immersive flying experience. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety and compliance with regulations when operating this powerful device. Through proper preparation, practice, and the use of tools like the Drone Safety Map, users can enjoy the thrill of FPV flying while minimizing risks and ensuring the safety of themselves and others.
In conclusion, the DJI FPV drone, coupled with DJI Care, is an ideal choice for beginners entering the world of FPV flying. Its ease of use and the added protection provided by DJI Care make it an attractive option. However, it is crucial to consider your budget and evaluate whether the cost of the protection plan aligns with your needs. Ultimately, the DJI FPV drone offers an exhilarating experience for enthusiasts of all levels.