In this article, we will be discussing the YLR/C S99 MAX drone, which is considered one of the best beginner drones available in the market for just 30 Euros. We will review its features, performance, and provide insights into its usage. Let’s dive into the world of affordable drones and see what the YLR/C S99 MAX has to offer.
h1 style=”text-align:center;”Best 30€ Drone | Beginner Drone YLR/C S99 MAX | Test and Review | Deutsch/h1
h2Die Funktionen und Eigenschaften/h2
Die YLR/C S99 MAX ist eine Drohne für Anfänger, die für nur 30€ erhältlich ist. In diesem Test und Review möchte ich euch zeigen, ob diese Drohne etwas taugt oder ob sie direkt in die Tonne gehört.
Die Drohne verfügt über eine HD Kamera, die sowohl vorne als auch unten angebracht ist. Sie verspricht auch ein Infrarot-Objekterkennungssystem, das Hindernisse erkennen und verhindern soll. Laut Hersteller soll die Drohne in der Lage sein, an Ort und Stelle zu bleiben und zu piepsen, wenn sich Objekte vor oder sogar hinter ihr befinden. In unserem Test werden wir prüfen, ob sie diese Funktionen tatsächlich erfüllt.
Die YLR/C S99 MAX wiegt weniger als 250 g und verfügt über bürstenlose Motoren, auch als Brushless Motors bekannt. Diese Motoren sind bekannt dafür, weniger verschleißanfällig zu sein und eine höhere Leistung zu bieten.
h2Die zusätzlichen Features der Drohne/h2
Die Drohne verfügt über einige LEDs, die während des Fluges blinken. Diese LEDs sind im unteren Bereich der Drohne angebracht und bieten eine visuelle Orientierung. Es gibt sowohl grüne als auch rote LEDs, die abwechselnd blinken.
Die YLR/C S99 MAX ist eine Wi-Fi Drohne, was bedeutet, dass sie kein GPS hat. Sie verfügt jedoch über eine “Return to Home”-Funktion. Wir werden in unserem Test überprüfen, wie gut diese Funktion funktioniert.
Darüber hinaus hat die Drohne auch eine “Active Track”-Funktion. Dies bedeutet, dass sie ein ausgewähltes Objekt erkennen und es verfolgen kann. In unseren Tests hat diese Funktion nicht immer zuverlässig funktioniert, aber wir werden sehen, ob es Verbesserungen gibt.
h2Der Controller und das Flugerlebnis/h2
Der mitgelieferte Controller fühlt sich stabil an und die Joysticks lassen sich gut steuern. Zusätzlich zu den Joysticks verfügt der Controller über eine Reihe von Knöpfen, die verschiedene Funktionen steuern.
Die Kamera kann über den Controller gesteuert werden, obwohl sie keinen Gimbal hat. Die Drohne kann nach oben und unten geneigt werden, um den Blickwinkel anzupassen. Es gibt auch einen Knopf zum Starten und Landen der Drohne sowie einen Notausschalter, um die Drohne schnell auszuschalten.
Der Controller verfügt auch über Knöpfe zur Feinabstimmung der Drohne. Diese Funktionen helfen dabei, die Flugleistung zu optimieren.
h2Das Flugtest-Ergebnis/h2
Nachdem wir uns die Funktionen und Eigenschaften der YLR/C S99 MAX Drohne angesehen haben
Getting Started
To start using the YLR/C S99 MAX drone, we need to familiarize ourselves with its controller. The controller has joysticks that allow us to control the drone’s movement – up, down, left, and right. If the drone starts to drift, we can use the buttons on the controller to adjust its settings and ensure it hovers straight without drifting. Additionally, the controller has buttons for return to home, music 360 rotation, and obstacle avoidance, which can be connected to a mobile app for enhanced functionality.
Connecting the Drone
To connect the YLR/C S99 MAX drone, we need to turn on the drone using the power button. Once the drone is powered on, we can go to the Wi-Fi settings on our mobile device and select the drone’s network. After connecting to the drone, we can launch the HF UFO app, where we can see the live camera feed from the drone. The app also provides additional features and controls for the drone, making it a handy tool for flying and capturing footage.
Testing and Performance
Now that we have connected the drone and launched the app, we can start testing its performance. By manipulating the joysticks on the controller, we can observe how the drone responds. The YLR/C S99 MAX drone showcases impressive hovering capabilities, maintaining a stable position without drifting. It is also capable of flying at a significant distance, up to 50-70 meters, providing ample opportunities for exploration and aerial photography.
Flight Experience
Flying the YLR/C S99 MAX drone is a fun and enjoyable experience. It responds well to commands and offers a good level of control. However, one observation worth noting is that the drone’s forward movement is relatively slow compared to other directions. This might be perceived as a minor drawback, but overall, it does not significantly affect the overall experience. The drone still delivers a satisfying flight experience, making it ideal for beginners.
Adjustments and Customizations
To fine-tune the YLR/C S99 MAX drone’s flight behavior, we can make adjustments using the controller. For example, if the drone is drifting to the right, we can press the right button on the controller to adjust its movement accordingly. This feature allows us to ensure that the drone is flying precisely as desired. It adds flexibility and versatility to our flights, enabling us to experiment and have more control over the drone’s flight path.
Testing and Reviewing the YLR/C S99 MAX Drone
Flight Performance
The YLR/C S99 MAX drone doesn’t offer much when it comes to forward flight. It seems to lack power in this direction, as it moves only slightly forward even when the throttle is pushed to the maximum. On the other hand, it flies easily backward with a slow and steady pace. Upward and downward flights are relatively fast and responsive. However, when it comes to lateral movement, it is not the fastest drone in its price range. Despite these limitations, it still offers a cool flying experience, especially for beginners.
App Features
When using the accompanying app, there are a variety of settings that can be adjusted to enhance the drone’s functionality. One interesting feature is the gesture control, which allows users to capture images with a simple hand gesture. Although it may take a few attempts to get it right, once mastered, it can be a fun and convenient way to take photos. Another feature is the object tracking mode, where the drone attempts to follow a selected object or person. While the tracking works well when the object is in the camera’s view, the drone tends to lose track if the object moves out of frame.
One of the functions of the drone is the return to home button. When pressed, the drone initiates a return to its takeoff point. It accelerates quickly and returns to the starting point with ease. However, it is important to note that during testing, I didn’t feel comfortable letting the drone fly autonomously. This feature can be useful for beginners who may lose control of the drone and need a safe way to bring it back to the starting point.
Obstacle Avoidance
The obstacle avoidance feature is another aspect worth mentioning. This feature is designed to help the drone detect and avoid obstacles in its flight path. During testing, the obstacle avoidance system seemed to work relatively well. The drone was able to detect objects in its surroundings and adjust its flight path accordingly, preventing any potential collisions. This feature can be particularly useful for beginners who are still mastering their flying skills.
Concluding Thoughts
Overall, the YLR/C S99 MAX drone offers a decent flying experience, especially for beginners. While it lacks speed in forward and lateral flight, it compensates with its responsive upward and downward movements. The app features, such as gesture control and object tracking, provide additional functionality and enhance the overall experience. The return to home and obstacle avoidance features also add an extra layer of safety and ease of use. Considering its price range, the YLR/C S99 MAX drone is a good option for those looking to delve into the world of drones without breaking the bank.
In conclusion, the YLR/C S99 MAX drone is a great option for beginners, offering excellent value for money. With its user-friendly controller, easy connectivity to a mobile app, stable hovering capabilities, and enjoyable flight experience, it is a reliable choice for those looking to explore the world of drones without breaking the bank. Whether you’re interested in aerial photography or just want to have fun flying a drone, the YLR/C S99 MAX is worth considering.